Silicon Valley's Premier Co-Ed Youth Chorus
Cantabile Youth Singers is an internationally recognized choral program providing world-class music education, vocal training, and performance opportunities to Silicon Valley communities with rehearsal locations in Los Altos, California.

"Through Cantabile, I have grown exponentially both musically and as a person. It has taught me compassion, empathy, altruism, the importance of community, and the significance of making an impact on society while also helping me become more confident in who I am."
Chehan Wijayaratne, Cantabile Student
“Their singing was stunning, and of course they impressed everyone. Cantabile is surely a bright star in the Bay Area."
Ragnar Bohlin, San Francisco Symphony Chorus Director, Artistic Director, Cappella SF & Corty Fengler, Cappella SF Board Chair
“When my kids come home from Cantabile, I know without even asking, by their humming, their energy, their faces, that they have laughed and smiled, they have moved their bodies in rhythm, and that singing has melted away the stresses of the day.”
Hung Le, Cantabile Parent
“Cantabile provided me with guidance from my conductors that helped me discover my passion for music education and courage to pursue music in college.”
Jessica Carlson, Alumna
"The choruses outstripped even the soloists in awesomeness [and] enunciated lyrics with a clarity that overwhelmed its position far off at the back of the stage."
David Bratman, San Francisco Classical Voice
“Their angelic voices coupled with the mature artistry of their musical performance is simply one of the great treasures of children's choirs in America.”
Dr. Craig Jessop, Director Emeritus of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir