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7.5 years in Cantabile

The first rehearsal really opened my eyes. I had no clue what I was doing, but I loved the energy. We were all standing in part circles singing, and somehow, even as I was just observing, I felt very alive. For the first time in my life, I had joined an activity that let me lose track of time. I remember leaving feeling like I had so much more energy than I had started with. All I wanted to do was to get back to that room and do it all over again.

Since then, Cantabile has taught me many lessons over the years. From learning the basics of music theory to traveling through different cultures all over the world through sound, Cantabile has taught me a deep appreciation for music. Not only has Cantabile taught me an appreciation for music, but has also taught me many life lessons and helped me to develop a confidence that I wouldn't have otherwise.

Finally, Cantabile has always been my reliable safe space and outlet for my worries. Cantabile has let me into a very supportive and uplifting community that I will always be grateful for.

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