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Class of 2025

Cantabile was initially introduced to me as a means of broadening my choral horizons. I had been part of another chorus for a few years by the time I auditioned for Cantabile, and despite the musicianship I had been taught, I felt as if I was stalling slightly in my ability to actually perform. So my mom shows me a video of Cantabile on YouTube, and seventh-grade-me finds the uniform pretty, so I audition into Avanti B.

Never have I been a part of such well-sustained discussion about how to embody music as I was in Cantabile. Each day of dancing, silly exercises, and conducting got a smile out of me regardless of how much school had tired me out. My walls were slowly broken down by the kindred spirits I found not just in my year or my section, but in every single singer who enjoyed the show they were putting on.

I will continue pursuing music for a kinder world in college. Thank you, Cantabile.

Cantabile's 25th Anniversary Logo
Cantabile is an Ambassador of the International Federation for Choral Music

Contact Us





(650) 518-9251


Office Hours

Monday - Friday | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Mailing Address

PO Box 308 | Los Altos, CA 94023

Classes and Rehearsals


Foothills Congregational Church

461 Orange Ave

Los Altos, CA 94022


Christ Episcopal Church

1040 Border Rd

Los Altos, CA 94024

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